Banners Why Use Them
By Todd PerryBanners Why Use Them
Banners when used properly can and will increase your exposure, signups, and sales. When adding banners to sites you really need to pay attention to what links you are using. Make sure they are the right size and you have the correct links to go with the banner. Like many others i too tend to use banner rotators; this is a good thing to a point.
The good part is when one of my banners stop working you can change it in every location you have that banner by editing that one rotator. Now the bad is some site owners do not like rotators and will not let them on their site. There is nothing wrong with not wanting rotators on your site and the reason is, Without them it makes it easier from the admin or owner to find problem sites or banners. If you do use a rotator for banners do yourself a favor and only put 5 banners max in that rotator and make them all for the same site. This will reduce your work in the long run when you have an issue with the banner for that site. Now the proper way to install a banner on any site that uses the LFM scripts watch the video below.
Here is a little trick when adding a banner from a LFM site to a none LFM site. The image url looks like this if you add this little bit to the end it will work in any site. That little bit is #hi.jpg so now the banner image url will look like this
You don’t have to use only jpg, you can use .gif or .png if you want.
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Put at least one banner in Orbital Traffic that matches the site you are promoting.
Saturdays Super Surf Results: While there were a lot of surfers Saturday there was only one that claimed at all 4 sites. We really appreciate all who surfed in support of our site.
March 7th 2015 Super Saturday Surf
with 21st CenturySurf, ClickAholics and Social Viral Profits
1st – $1 for upgraded member plus a credit package of 100 square banners = Dale Thomson
2nd – 100 credits 500 banners 1200 txt = Fran Klasinski
3rd – 75 credits 375 banners 900 txt = Todd Perry
4th – 50 credits 285 banners 750 txt = None
5th – 25 credits 200 banners 550 txt = None
Congratulations to the winners! The prizes have been added.
Today Promo:
Next promo is the 10th
Upcoming Promos:
We have 4 this week see Calendar
This Month in NASA History:
NASA Spacecraft Becomes First to Orbit a Dwarf Planet
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has become the first mission to achieve orbit around a dwarf planet. The spacecraft was approximately 38,000 miles (61,000 kilometers) from Ceres when it was captured by the dwarf planet’s gravity at about 4:39 a.m. PST (7:39 a.m. EST) Friday.
Mission controllers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California received a signal from the spacecraft at 5:36 a.m. PST (8:36 a.m. EST) that Dawn was healthy and thrusting with its ion engine, the indicator Dawn had entered orbit as planned.
“Since its discovery in 1801, Ceres was known as a planet, then an asteroid and later a dwarf planet,” said Marc Rayman, Dawn chief engineer and mission director at JPL. “Now, after a journey of 3.1 billion miles (4.9 billion kilometers) and 7.5 years, Dawn calls Ceres, home.”
In addition to being the first spacecraft to visit a dwarf planet, Dawn also has the distinction of being the first mission to orbit two extraterrestrial targets. From 2011 to 2012, the spacecraft explored the giant asteroid Vesta, delivering new insights and thousands of images from that distant world. Ceres and Vesta are the two most massive residents of our solar system’s main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can do this by taking the advantage of our Login Spotlight ads. What this will do for you is put your site in front of all the members of Orbital Traffic every time they login. Don’t let it go to waste.
Today the 9th of March 2015:
The work we have started and your promo code is to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is dwarf
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
[…] that you know how to install a banner – see video […]