Does Free Sound Appealing To You?
ByTo most Free sounds very Appealing
People online trying to make money to supplement their income love the Free aspect. Then you have the ones that are online to make a full-time income and they love the Free aspect. Yes the option to signup to traffic exchanges for free to get started is a good thing. Staying Free cost you more than being a paid member. It cost more because you lose out on higher commissions, more advertising, and the fact you have to surf twice as much to get your sites seen. Free members get less of everything, why because your free and you get what you pay for.
Being free in a traffic exchange or mailer is the same as getting a sample of the service.
Sample’s can’t make you much money, People tend to not become paid members if their upline is not a paid member. If you want to build a business, paid it the way to do that.
to be continued…
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Put at least one text ad in Orbital Traffic that matches the site you are promoting.
Cross Promo Surf Results:
April 20th 2015 Monday Surf Promo with 21st Century Surf!
Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab
Today’s Promo:
Traffic Speed Way, Orbital Traffic
Must surf 125 at each site to qualify
You need to claim the small prize on the surfer rewards page to complete your qualification and instantly win $.05
1x $3.00
2x 200 Credits
2x 150 Credits
5x 75 Credits
Upcoming Promos:
We have 1 more this week see Calendar
This Month in NASA History:
Document of the Week
“Minimum Man-In-Space Proposals” Memorandum for the Associate Director of NACA from Adelbert O. Tischler, Head, Rocket Combustion Section, April 10, 1958.
The Soviet successes with Sputniks I and II in the fall of 1957, coupled with the spectacular public failure of the Vanguard launch on 6 December 1957, ensured that U.S. leaders were under the gun to take action, leading to efforts aimed at “catching up” to the Soviet Union’s space achievements. These included: a) a full-scale review of both the civil and military programs (scientific satellite efforts and ballistic missile development); b) establishment of a Presidential science advisor to oversee the activities of the Federal government in science and technology; c) creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency in the Department of Defense, and the consolidation of space activities under centralized management by that agency; d) the proposed establishment of a new space agency, NASA, based on NACA to manage civil space operations; and e) passage of the National Defense Education Act to provide federal funding for scientific and technical education. This formerly classified document shows NACA deliberations taking place during this time concerning how initial human spaceflight might be accomplished. WADC is the abbreviation for the Wright Air Development Center, Wright-Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohio.
Excerpt from: Logsdon, John M., ed., with Roger D. Launius. Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program, Volume VII: Human Spaceflight: Project Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. NASA SP-2008-4407, 2008.
View the proposal:
Help Your Advertising a bit more:
By taking advantage of our low paid memberships you will increase your advertising power. Don’t let it go to waste.
Viral Traffic Games:
This is not just a game, it is the game of games for Traffic exchanges and Mailers on the LFM script. You can advertise on over 230 sites just being a member of VTG.
Today the 22nd of April 2015:
Your promo code is to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code can be found at page 81 while surfing
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Todd Perry