Empowering the Novice Marketer
ByBuilding Believability.
Online shoppers are particularly savvy. They see beyond
the hype and fake claims of novice marketers and rip-off
What new users or, new owners, for that matter, need to
do is become equally as savvy about the opportunities
offered on line.
What you speak becomes your trademark to your eager
audience. What you promote is powerful positioning.
Who you choose to learn the ropes from will determine
whether you succeed or fail. Each of these parts create
the whole picture of your dream.
Choose a mentor or guide with great care. Mr Nice Guy
could have a scammer’s record fit for inclusion in the Borge
family circle.
Meantime, if you are still learning about Traffic Exchanges,
make sure you take time to not only add Orbital Traffic
to your list, but thoroughly examine what it can mean to
your bottom line.
Click the link, join and begin your journey to experience that
profits you.
by Fran Klasinski
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Surf Today’s Cross Promo
Cross Promo Surf Results:
Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab
Today’s Promo:
Orbital Traffic, Texas Size Traffic and Quarterly Surf
Surf 125 pages at each site and claim the small reward on the surfer rewards page to qualify for the prizes below.
1st $3.00
2nd 200 credits
3rd 100 credits
4th 50 credit
Upcoming Promos:
We have 2 more this week see Calendar
The Space Shuttle Atlantis launched on May 11, 2009, for the final Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission. During the nearly 13-day flight, the STS-125 crew performed five spacewalks to the orbiting telescope, installing two new instruments and repairing two others, as well as adding insulated panels for protection. The work done on this mission and the past servicing missions has enabled the Hubble to continue to operate long past its originally planned life expectancy. At the end of last month Hubble celebrated the 25th anniversary of its launch.
Learn more about STS-125: http://www.nasa.gov/…/shuttlemiss…/sts125/main/overview.html
Help Your Advertising a bit more:
You can do this by taking the advantage of our start page ads. What this will do for you is put your site in front of all the members of Orbital Traffic every time they start to surf. Don’t let it go to waste.
Viral Traffic Games:
This is not just a game, it is the game of games for Traffic exchanges and Mailers on the LFM script. You can advertise on over 230 sites just being a member of VTG.
Today the 12th of May 2015:
Your promo code is to surf 125 pages to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code can be found at page 81 while surfing
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Todd Perry