I See Traffic in Your Future
By4 times the Traffic if You Participate.
The Super Saturday Surf is coming to a Traffic Exchange near you, Will you be there? Are you going to win the top prizes and show your downline what their missing out on? There are some very nice prizes to help You get more Traffic to your offers. Yes i hear you, i have other promos to surf. What do those other promos do for you that the Super Saturday Surf does not do? ( Leave Comment )
I know you are scared of a Pro Traffic Exchange. They make you upgrade to be able to surf. Well No they don’t make you do anything. They just tell you upfront that to advertise your sites so you get more Traffic you have to be upgraded. A Pro Traffic Exchange does not start you at the bottom, However they start you at the top. They do not constantly put up One Time Offers trying to get you to upgrade with some special price. However they do put up sales on their credit packages and other items to help you increase your advertising.
Orbital Traffic is one of the 3 main sites in the Super Saturday Surf. Yes it is a Pro Traffic Exchange and you can be a part of it for a little as a Starbucks Coffee. This is for a month at our Orbiter level, Do Not let 2.99 a month scare you in such a way that you pass up on the traffic your sites need and the kind you want.
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On 12 April 1981, the Space Shuttle orbiter Columbia lifted off from its pad at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) on the STS-1 mission. The orbiter is only one part of the Space Transportation System (STS), more commonly known simply as the Space Shuttle. Heralded as the beginning of a new era of human spaceflight, this first flight was also the culmination of many years of development, planning, and early sparks of imagination.
Even before human space travel became a reality on this same date in 1961 with the launch of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, space visionaries had conceptualized reusable winged vehicles that literally flew into space. Expanding upon the earlier work of people such as Max Valier and Eugen Sänger, in the 1950s and 1960s the Air Force developed the DynaSoar (for Dynamic Soaring) and several other programs involving a reusable piloted glider perched atop a large expendable launch vehicle. Also at this time, NASA researchers had done pioneering work in blunt body and lifting body aerodynamics that made the Shuttle possible.
During the late 1960s, at the height of the Apollo program, NASA was simultaneously thinking about its next major human spaceflight efforts. In January 1972, President Nixon announced that NASA would begin a program to build a Space Transportation System (STS), more commonly known as the Space Shuttle. Thus, while the Shuttle development program formally took nine years, it represented the culmination of something much larger. Indeed, the successful launch of the first Shuttle mission demonstrated several cutting-edge technologies.
Through its reusability, the Shuttle was also intended to provide low-cost, frequent access to space. Unfortunately, the Shuttle has never been able to fly often enough to bring launch costs significantly down. NASA continues to look at ways to improve the Shuttle and to explore new methods of repeatedly launching humans into space safely.
Stephen J. Garber
NASA History Office
Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
Participating in the Super Saturday Surf you will expand your advertising reach and your bottom line. Don’t let it go to waste. For today make sure you have a Banner and text ad that matches the sites your are promoting. This will increase your chances of building Your Downline.
Viral Traffic Games:
Viral Traffic Games is a featured game on Orbital Traffic and upgraded members get to play 2 times more than non Upgraded. Get your surfing going and win the cash and prizes offered at VTG
Today the 3rd of March 2015:
The time is approaching for the Super Saturday Surf. your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: stepUpYourSurfForYou
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Todd Perry