
No Time Have To Surf


I have no time to surf all that i want to

Can’t surf enough sites at once, Already surfing 6 sites and seems like i am getting nowhere. Time is ticking and the day is going by so fast. Wait I have an idea, I will only surf 3 sites at a time. Doing this will allow me to get these sites done and then i can move on to the next 3. But what sites do i want to surf today? Do i have 10 sites that could be my favorite? Yes i do and i will surf those 2 at a time and add one that is in a promo i want to surf. Then i will surf the next 2 and one more that is in that promo, and i should be able to knock out those ten and get the promo done within a few hours.

Now I have the rest of the day to surf other sites to get my advertising out to a wider audience. Wow this will work out and save me tons of time every day. I will be able to knock out 15 sites and play the VTG game even more than i do now. I love this little strategy to get my work done faster.


Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Add Orbital Traffic, Aloha Traffic Discovery, and Aloha Rockstar surf to your surf rotation today.


9 Bucks Tuesday Results:

March 10th 2015 9 Bucks Tuesday
with Texas Size Traffic and Quarterly Surf

$3 Winner = Christopher Klasinski
2nd 200 credits = Rosa Santillana
3rd 100 credits = Kay Brasher
4th 50 credit = Alina Maria


Congratulations to the winners! The prizes have been added.


Today Promo:

Orbital Traffic, Aloha Traffic Discovery, Aloha Rockstar Surf
Surf 125 pages at each site and claim the small reward on the surfer rewards page to qualify for the prizes below.
1st: 250 credits,banners,text
2nd: 150 credits,banners,text
3rd: 100 credits,banners,text
4th: 75 credits,banners,text
5th: 50 credits,banners,text

Not a member sign up here

Upcoming Promos:

We have 1 more this week see Calendar

This Month in NASA History:

Go Endeavour!

STS-123, March 11, 2008

Against a black sky, the Space Shuttle Endeavour and its seven-member STS-123 crew head toward Earth-orbit and a scheduled link-up with the International Space Station (ISS). Liftoff was on time at 2:28 a.m. (EDT). Onboard are NASA astronauts Dominic Gorie, commander; Gregory H. Johnson, pilot; Robert L. Behnken, Mike Foreman, Rick Linnehan, Garrett Reisman and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Takao Doi, all mission specialists. The crew will make a record-breaking 16-day mission to the International Space Station and deliver the first section of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Kibo laboratory and the Canadian Space Agency’s two-armed robotic system, Dextre. Reisman will join Expedition 16 in progress to serve as a flight engineer aboard the ISS.

(credit: NASA-KSC)

STS123-S-009 (11 March 2008)



Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can do this by taking the advantage of our start page ads. What this will do for you is put your site in front of all the members of Orbital Traffic every time they start to surf. Don’t let it go to waste.


Today the 12th of March 2015:
The work we has started and your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is orbitalrockstardicovery

For those that play the VTG game i will be giving a special bonus to the top 5 that played at least 4 time during this promo.
The winner last time was Kay Brasher and she won 500 square banner impressions.

Login to Orbital Traffic

That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.


Categories : Orbital Traffic


  1. […] you remember this post No Time Have To Surf and the time it can save you while […]