Archive for Affiliate Links


Do Your Affiliate Links Work

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Broken Affiliate Links Cost You Money

Affiliate Link

When was the last time you checked your Affiliate Links to see if they work? Believe it or not your affiliate links are in danger every day. What do i mean by this? Well it’s simple, there are new inexperienced people opening Traffic Exchanges and Mailers every day that do not have the funds to keep them going. So the ones you join today could be gone in a few months. This hurts you because it causes you to advertising something that is not there.

Affiliate Links need checking

Affiliate programs come and go very fast in today’s online world. Most of them are scams and have a shelf life of 3 to 6 months. Some scams can last up to 3 years before the naive wake up and realize what they are doing or the FTC shuts them down. Either way you need to check your affiliate links at least once a week.

The Affiliate Programs that are not scams but still disappear after a few months are the ones that are opened by people who think that is all it takes is to open an affiliate program. They think opening a mailer or traffic exchange they will start making money right away and be able to afford to keep it. This is where they fail. Being an owner of a traffic exchange, mailer or any other affiliate program you need paying customers.

With out paying customers the program will fail unless the owner has money from another source to keep it running. I am not sure there is one person that will open a program to not make money from it and keep dishing money out-of-pocket to keep it going.

Unattended Affiliate Links

By not attending to your affiliate links you are making yourself  look bad in the eyes of others. You are also wasting your credits which is costing you referrals and money. When you put affiliate links in traffic exchanges make sure they work before putting them in. Do not add a link that does not have a referral id unless you are the owner of the program or are using a tracking url. What i mean by this is do not add links like,,

Make sure you use the correct affiliate link for each program and keep track of where you have put them.
The video below is a snippet of a video found in Orbital Traffic under the training tab.
Orbital Traffic is a newbie friendly traffic exchange with video training.



Todd Perry

Categories : Website Traffic
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