Archive for Blogging
Blog Install Service, Why You Need One
Posted by: | CommentsWhen you install a blog using fantastico, softaculous, or any other wordpress auto installer is setting your blog up to be hacked. It is fact that every hacker knows the default settings used by all these auto installers and they know the back doors they leave open.
This is a very serious issue. If you install a wordpress site on your hosting with the default values you are not only putting your blog in jeopardy, you are putting the server in jeopardy as well. I am sure you don’t want to lose all your hard work and your hosting account just because you were lazy when installing your blog.
Yes i know your going to say “I am not lazy” that is how i was told to install it. Do you believe everything your told? I don’t anymore i do my research first. The first blog i installed for myself i used fantastico and the default install. Within a month i was hacked 2 times and much of my content was changed. Now i install all wordpress sites/blogs from scratch and use the proper plugins to secure it.
You might be thinking “I do not need to do any of this because i can just use and let them host it for free” and you would be right. However when hosting your blog on a free platform like, wix, or any other one, the content becomes theirs and not yours. You are also limited on what plugins you can use, amongst other limitations. They can shut your blog down with no notice and all your hard work is gone.
Hosting your blog on your domain and your hosting account gives you the freedom to do what ever you want to your blog. Why because it is yours. You have control over the content, backups, look, and anything else.
What Needs To Be Changed
First and foremost You need to know how to use your control panel in your hosting account and be comfortable with it. Regardless if it is Cpanel, Direct Admin, Plesk, or any of the others.
To make sure your blog is installed properly and with the best security to ward off the hackers and keep your content safe. You need to know how to create a database with a unique name, Create a user of that database with a unique name, and a very strong password.
You need to know how to download the latest version of wordpress and upload it to your hosting account. Then you need to know how to extract the contents of the zip file and rename the folder or move the files to the proper folder.
You need to know how to change the default prefix of the database tables, Default is wp, This is not good due to everyone knowing what it is. You need to know how to change the admin login url so it is not the default. You also need to know how to change the from address for mails sent out from your blog.
What Plugins Are Needed
There are thousands and thousands of plugins you can use, and will be told by different people what ones you need. I have a set list of plugin i use and pick that list from trying hundreds of plugins to get the results i was looking for.
I install about 10 plugins to ensure my blog is secure. Then i have about 10 other plugins to make things easier for me. Some of the plugins i use make it simpler for me to find issues. I will not list these plugins for the simple fact i do not want the hackers knowing what i use.
What can you do to keep your blog safe?
- Make sure wordpress, all plugins, and themes are up to date! This is extremely important.
- Login to your blogs admin as least twice a day, the longer you stay logged in the better.
- Keep an eye on the traffic coming to your blog, You may want to block strange visits that try to get places they have no need to be.
What does it cost for a Blog install Service?
Depending on who you talk to it can cost up to $500. However if you talk to me it will not cost you anywhere close to that. With my service you do not only get the install done proper and the plugins. I also create many of the legal pages your blog needs.
What you get from me(This is for a blog set up only, not an entire website and design)
- WordPress software installed properly on your hosting.
- 10 plugins to secure your blog installed and set up.(some will need your input)
- 10 plugins to aid you when posting, maintaining your blog.(some will need your input)
- Legal pages created. (you will need to edit them to suit your blog)
- On going support from me
If you need hosting i can provide that as well. You will need a domain name and can get one for less than $10 a year at
What does it cost?
- To set up a blog properly on your hosting the price is $25 one time
- To set up a blog properly and host it the price is $25 one time, plus $5.50 a month for hosting per blog
Interested? Contact me on Skype at nascardei8 or send me an email to admin at just1host (dot)com