Archive for Mailers
What’s Happening In The TE World?
Posted by: | CommentsOh the fallacies being spread and believed. It is a sickening time in the TE and Mailer arena.
The blame game is rampant and the finger points to everyone but the real culprits.
Take the blinders off and look at the entire picture.
Those that use the TE model for out right ponzi schemes and those that support them are 100% at fault for the recent happenings in the TE world.
Don’t be fooled by their lies and deceptive words.
They know who they are and what they have done.
Now they push members to change processors and say this is the only option for you(The Members),
This is a load of crap, it is not the only option for you(The Members), It maybe the only option for them(the ones that put their members in harm’s way)
Some will take the blame and then say lets move on. Then want you to spend more money with them at a new processor for a chance to get the money they already owe you.
Really? You put my money at risk and now won’t pay me because you did wrong and expect me to say ok lets move on?
Hello So-called “Big Boys” And all that have been milking this event in time, Stop Feeding Your Members and Other Owners the Crap.
Be Real, Be Honest, Be Accountable and Take responsibility for your action and STOP passing the buck.
Paypal did not cause this, The Government did not cause this, You(The ones that supported Traffic Monsoon in any way) and Traffic Monsoon itself caused this.
Keep in mind this is not just the little guys in the TE world, It is also the so-called “Big Boys” that put your money at risk. Now here’s the kick in the teeth, The so-called “Big Boys” want every TE owner to disrupt their business to suit them. The so-called “Big Boys” can not use a certain processor so no one can. I call Bullshit, You so-called “Big Boys” did it to yourselves and want the members to bail you out. (sounds like the Big Bank bailout in the US) Bail them out of their wrong doing so they can do it again. You so-called “Big Boys” Want every TE owner to put their business in a place to fail so you will be the only ones left standing.
Many have stated that if other owners keep paypal they are not a team player. The ones that say that are correct, in the respect that those keeping paypal are not a team player when it comes to not looking out for their members.
The saddest part of this whole thing is there were Good People that were affected. The reason the Good People were affected “in my opinion” is the Good People had made a transaction with the Not So Good People that had transacted payments with the latest TM ponzi. In other words the Good People got hit due to guilty by association with the not so good.
Let me make this perfectly clear. If you did not have anything to do with Traffic Monsoon and lost your paypal account in the cross fire, That makes you one of the Good People because you did not add to the problem.
There are many TE’s and Mailers that still use paypal with no issues. Why do they use them? Because they can and that is what the members want.
Now that I know you care not about your customers, But care a great deal about getting their money in your pocket, I will not be adding to your pocket money.
Edited 12-6-16
It was brought to my attention that i was not very clear and some took it as i was calling a certain person out.
I was not calling any one out. I am stating my opinion of what has been going on in the industry.With that said i have added my definition to So-Called Big Boys below.
So-Called Big Boys = are the ones that run sites like TM and think they are something in the TE and Mailer world.
There is a Need for Integrity and Honesty
Posted by: | CommentsThe online scene has lost its honesty and integrity
With all the scams being promoted by traffic exchange and mailer owners the integrity and honesty of many has been lost. In its place greed has settled in and taken its place at the forefront on many internet marketers. They are using their traffic exchange and mailers to funnel members in to the top of the line scams, leaving Honesty and Integrity behind. Then they brag about the money they made off of you the members of their traffic exchange or mailer.
They do this because they do not have an ounce of honesty or integrity in them. For them it is all about taking your money. I have heard some of them say i have never made this much with any other program, and never this fast.
Traffic exchanges and mailer should be used to funnel members into other programs that are honest and ran with integrity. Members should be using them to funnel others into other honest programs. Currently there are over 200000 people using traffic exchanges and mailers to advertise. There are ruffly 50 Real businesses being promoted on them that have integrity and honesty. The rest are some sort of ponzi matrix, one up, cycler, or flat-out scam just to take money from the new and naive.
The owners and programs i deal with have integrity and honesty that is much-needed in the online world of marketing. So you can bet your bottom dollar that if i am promoting something it is not a scam.
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Stardust, the first U.S. mission dedicated solely to the exploration of a comet, reached its aphelion, or farthest distance from the Sun, on this day in 2002. With this, the spacecraft set a new distance record for a solar-powered spacecraft at 407 million km from the Sun, where the intensity of light is only 13% of what it is on Earth. Stardust’s elliptical orbit soon brought it back towards the Sun, and on the final orbit, it collected samples from the comet Wild 2 and successfully returned them to Earth, completing its seven-year mission.
Learn more about the Stardust mission:
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Today the 19th of April 2015:
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That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Todd Perry