Archive for Mr X


What’s with the X

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Mr X Product X Program X This X That Xsir_x

What is going  on with all these people and programs named X? Well these are people who are putting out programs with the main focus of taking your money. The programs are not complete and they have no intentions of completing it. All they want is your money and since you have no clue who they are you have no recourse to get your money back.

Mr X puts out a program called secretX. The secret is MR X is going to take your money and leave you wondering what the product will do for you and when it will be finished.

Wake up! If the owner of a program will not use their real name then there is an extremely good change it is a front to take your money.

Do your research before joining any program.

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This Month in NASA History:

Originally suspected to be the first directly detected planet outside our Solar System follow up observations have shown that the object is most likely a background star whose light is has been dimmed and reddened by interstellar dust. Even newer observations have now brought the phantom planet back from oblivion. It seems that TMR-1C is a protoplanet, located about 1 000 AU from its host stars, which are in the center of this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope picture. However the true nature of TMR-1C is still unclear and needs further investigation.

On May 28, 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope photographed the mysterious object TMR-1C. Analysis of the data on TMR-1C is a great example of the scientific method at work.

Initially, astronomer Susan Tereby thought that TMR-1C could be the first exoplanet ever directly photographed. But, subsequent investigation by various astronomers suggested that the object in the picture was too hot to be a planet. Various explanations for the data have been proposed since then. These include suggestions that it is a brown dwarf star, or a background star whose image appeared dim due to interstellar dust. A current theory is that it might be a proto-planet (one that isn’t formed completely yet) that just happens to be far from host stars. We joke around NASA Headquarters that science never sleeps, but this is a great example of the work yet to be done to understand the universe around us.


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Today the 30th of May 2015:
Your promo code is to surf 150 pages to get 50 credits, 75 banners impression, 125 text ad impressions, and 50 square banner impression. The code will be found between pages 110 and 117 while surfing

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That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.


Todd Perry

Categories : Orbital Traffic
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