Archive for promotions
On The Mind Out The Mouth
Posted by: | Comments“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
– Bernard M. Baruch
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Do something to improve your advertising on Orbital Traffic
Saturdays Super Surf Results:
April 4th 2015 Super Saturday Surf
with 21st CenturySurf, ClickAholics and 10kHits4unow
Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab
Today’s Promo:
Orbital Traffic,, superpartyclick
Surf 125 pages at each site and claim the small reward on the surfer rewards page to qualify for the prizes below.
1st: 1 month upgrade
2nd: 300 credits,banners
3rd: 200 credits,banners
4th: 100 credits,banners
Upcoming Promos:
We have 3 more this week see Calendar
This Month in NASA History:
Space shuttle Discovery and its seven-member STS-131 crew head toward Earth orbit and rendezvous with the International Space Station. Liftoff was at 6:21 a.m. (EDT) on April 5, 2010, from launch pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Onboard are NASA astronauts Alan Poindexter, commander; James P. Dutton Jr., pilot; Rick Mastracchio, Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger, Stephanie Wilson and Clayton Anderson; along with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Naoko Yamazaki, all mission specialists. The crew will deliver the multi-purpose logistics module Leonardo, filled with supplies, a new crew sleeping quarters and science racks that will be transferred to the International Space Station’s laboratories. The crew also will switch out a gyroscope on the station’s truss structure, install a spare ammonia storage tank and retrieve a Japanese experiment from the station’s exterior. STS-131 is the 33rd shuttle mission to the station and the 131st shuttle mission overall.
(credit: NASA-KSC)
Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can do this by taking the advantage of our start page ads. What this will do for you is put your site in front of all the members of Orbital Traffic every time they start to surf. Don’t let it go to waste.
Viral Traffic Games:
This is not just a game, it is the game of games for Traffic exchanges and Mailers on the LFM script. You can advertise on over 230 sites just being a member of VTG.
Today the 6th of April 2015:
The work we has started and your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: Surfthepromo
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Eyes Wide Shut
Posted by: | CommentsIs that how you approach the internet?
Do you see an ad saying crap like make $16,000 in a day, and ads saying no advertising needed or no referring needed to make $5000 a month? You know you see all these ads saying you can easily make money online with out doing much or in fact you have seen the ones that say they will do everything for you as soon as you give them your money.
That is exactly what you will be doing is GIVING them your money, Because there is a 99.9% chance you will not get anything in return. Are the blinding lights of all those shinny offers causing you to lose your savings? If they haven’t yet you may still be able to make money online.
Your best defense from getting ripped off is YOU doing your research on the programs you see before joining them. There are many really good programs you can join. However there are 1000’s of scams and thieves that just want your money.
So take off your blinders and keep your eyes wide open. Take some initiative to research before you join. This will save you more than you believe.
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Take the time to make sure your account is active.
How this is done is login and surf 50 pages.
What if this is not done? All your ads will be paused.
Next promo results Results:
Coming soon
Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab
Today’s Promo:
Next promo is Saturday
Upcoming Promos:
We have 1 more this week see Calendar
This Month in NASA History:
Saturn Missions and Configurations Chart.
This montage illustrates the various configurations and missions of the three classes of the Saturn vehicles developed by the Marshall Space Flight Center. The missions for the Saturn I included atmospheric science investigations and the deployment of the Pegasus meteroid-detection satellite as well as launch vehicle development. The Saturn IB vehicle tested the Apollo spacecraft and launched the three marned Skylab missions as well as the Apollo Soyuz test project. The Saturn V vehicle launched the manned lunar orbital/landing missions, and the Skylab Orbital Workshop in 1973.
(credit: NASA-MSFC)
Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can do this by taking the advantage of our start page ads. What this will do for you is put your site in front of all the members of Orbital Traffic every time they start to surf. Don’t let it go to waste.
Viral Traffic Games:
This is not just a game, it is the game of games for Traffic exchanges and Mailers on the LFM script. You can advertise on over 230 sites just being a member of VTG.
Today the 31st of March 2015:
It’s Tuesday and a lot of ads have been paused. Take 15 minutes and get your ads active.
Your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: Activate
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Todd Perry
Is There Any Wonder
Posted by: | CommentsWhy you did not win
i often wonder why i did not win the lottery. Just like you wonder why you did not win the promo from yesterday. It’s simple, I didn’t win the lottery because i didn’t play, you didn’t win the promo because you didn’t surf.
There is one way to make sure your promotion do nothing and that is to not surf the promo sites have that you belong to.
I know there are a lot of traffic exchanges and you belong to many of them. However when you miss a promo from a site that offers you prizes at 4 top notch traffic exchanges, You lose out on more than advertising.
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Surf today’s in house Promo
Saturdays Super Surf Results:
March 28th 2015 Super Saturday Surf
with 21st CenturySurf, ClickAholics and Go Green Hits
Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab
Today’s Promo:
Orbital Traffic in-house
Surf 125 pages and claim the promo code to qualify for the prizes below.
1st: 200 Square Banners
2nd: 150 Square Banners
3rd: 100 Square Banners
Upcoming Promos:
We have 1 more this week see Calendar
This Month in NASA History:
Apollo 15, March 26, 1971
The Apollo 15 prime crew David R. Scott (CDR), Alfred M. Worden (CMP) and James B. Irwin (LMP) participate in a simulated altitude chamber test of the spacecraft scheduled to carry them to the Moon. Apollo 15 was the ninth manned mission in the Apollo program, the fourth to land on the Moon, and the eighth successful manned mission. It was the first of what were termed “J missions,” long stays on the Moon, with a greater focus on science than had been possible on previous missions. It was also the first mission on which the Lunar Roving Vehicle was used.
(credit: NASA-ALSJ)
Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can do this by adding banners, text ads, and square banners that match the site your are promoting. What this will do for you is increase your chances of getting optins, signups, and conversions. Don’t let it go to waste.
Viral Traffic Games:
This is not just a game, it is the game of games for Traffic exchanges and Mailers on the LFM script. You can advertise on over 230 sites just being a member of VTG.
Today the 2nd of March 2015:
The work we has started and your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: inhouse
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Text Ads Who Cares about them?
Posted by: | CommentsIt is Apparent You don’t if you are asking that question.
Text ads get clicked and with out them you lose potential signup, optins, and sales. It takes all of 5 seconds to add a text ad to the Traffic Exchanges you belong to. Text Ads are all over the internet and get clicks all day every day, having them in all the mailers and Traffic Exchanges do you nothing but good.
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Put at least one Text Ad in Orbital Traffic that matches the site you are promoting.
The longer you wait to add text ads the greater your chances are to lose the impressions you have.
Social Viral Profits Promo Results:
March 24th 2015 4th Tuesday Surf Promo with Social Viral Profits!
Showing the Prizes don’t mater, because there were NO winners.
Maybe next time if you show your support for the 2 sites.
Today’s Promo:
Orbital Traffic, Teacup Puppy Traffic
Must Surf 125 pages at both sites and claim the small prize on the surfer rewards page to qualify and Double your chances to win!
1st – 1 Month Upgrade
2nd – 500 Square Banner impressions
3rd – 150 credits
4th – 100 credits
5th – 50 credits
****Prizes are determined by each Traffic Exchange in accordance with script allowances.
Not a member you can join at the link below
Additional Details here
Upcoming Promos:
We have 1 more this week see Calendar
This Month in NASA History:
On March 7, 1947, a V-2 rocket equipped with a specialty camera surveyed Earth from an altitude of 101 miles. Launched from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the rocket’s camera captured this picture of the Gulf of California, the dark area in the upper left. This test and others in the late 1940s were part of an early joint research effort by the Army and Navy to use acquired German V-2 rockets to conduct atmospheric studies. At the time, Clyde Holliday, the engineer who developed the camera, predicted that these rockets would soon be used for a wider range of applications, including mapping, wartime scouting, and meteorology.
Learn more here about these early rocket test:
Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can’t if you do not take action, So take action and get yourself in the spotlight by getting a login spotlight at Orbital Traffic. Today only if you buy one Login Spotlight i will add a second one to your account. Don’t let it go to waste.
Viral Traffic Games: <- Sign up Link
There is money to be won here and you can play to win it right here at Orbital Traffic
Today the 26th of March 2015:
Your promo code is to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: activemember
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.
Todd Perry
Guilty by Association?
Posted by: | CommentsDo you think your Guilty of being a scammer by Promoting them?
Let’s put this in to another perspective, In the offline world if you are always around the same crowd and that crowd does drugs, Do people outside that group think you do drugs? Most likely they think you do. If you are always around a known thief do others see you as a thief? Most likely they do.
I can tell you for a fact that if the group you hang around with is known to be doing a certain thing, You are seen as being the same way. How can i say this? Easy I used to throw darts and i was very good, however the 5 person team i was on had 4 that did drugs. I was put in that category even though i did not do drugs. I drank and smoked my cigarettes and that was it. Now i do not drink.
Before that one of my best friends was a huge lair and so i was looked at as one also, because i was his friend and we went places together. Well i am not going to lie, when i was young i lied as did most if not all kids. However i did not bring that part of me into my adult life like many have. The strange thing about all of this is these people didn’t even know me, never talked to me, never even knew my name. However they considered me Guilty by Association.
Are you Guilty By Association for promoting scams and ponzi schemes?
Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Stop losing signup to legit programs and put at least one text ad in Orbital Traffic
Winner of Sundays Challenge:
Christopher Klasinski won a login spotlight
Today’s Promo:
Orbital Traffic and Social Viral Profits
Must Surf 125 pages at both sites to qualify and Double your chances to win!
You need to claim the small prize on the surfer rewards page to complete your qualification.
Name and Email Addresses must match at both sites.
1st. Start page for 1 day(Social Viral Profits)
1st. Login Spotlight for 1 day(Orbital Traffic)
2nd. 100 credits 200 Banners 300 text
3rd. 75 credits 150 banners 250 text
4th. 25 credits 75 banners 125 text
Upcoming Promos:
We have 3 more this week see Calendar
This Month in NASA History:
This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of six Gemini Mission launches. On this day in 1965, the first crewed mission of the project, Gemini III “Molly Brown” shot into space, carrying Gus Grissom (Commander) and John Young (Pilot). A flight of many firsts, Gemini III pioneered the controlled reentry and landing, was the first American capsule to carry multiple crewmembers, and featured the unexpected and controversial presence of the first corned beef sandwich to achieve orbit.
Gemini III made 3 orbits and was in space for 4 hours and 52 minutes, paving the way for a highly successful series of 9 more crewed Gemini flights.
Check out page 45 of the Gemini III Composite Air-to-Ground and Onboard Voice Tape Transcription to read the “corned beef incident”:
Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
Advertising goes nowhere with out an action, Take that action and advantage of the login spotlights at Orbital Traffic
Viral Traffic Games:
VTG is seen around every 25 pages at Orbital Traffic giving you more time to play and win prices
Today the 2nd of March 2015:
The work we has started and your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: association
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.