Archive for scam
Where Did Your Integrity Go?
Posted by: | CommentsI saw you were promoting a very nice and honest program that has integrity, and now i see you have changed programs. What happened? Was the $15 a month honest program to much for you to afford?
Well i was with that program for a while, I think 6 months and could not make any money with it so i could not afford to keep using it. Instead i am spending $18 plus a month to get less. However the programs i use now are a little scammy.
Really? You gave up an honest program and sponsor because you would not work it as directed so you didn’t make money there, and now you run off to the scam side of marketing?
Seems to me that is where you wanted to be from the start. If you were honest and had integrity you would of followed direction in the honest program and made money like others are in that honest business.
What are you talking about? I am an honest person. I need to make money to support myself.
Desperate people have no integrity and will do harm to you to get what they want. All they want is your money and will do whatever it takes to get it from you. If they cause you to lose your home so be it, The money they got from you ensued they keep their home.
If you were an honest person you would not be promoting scam matrix sites, Scam bitcoin sites, and trying to play others. You would not be say crap like “I Loved that program but could not afford it” and then join a program that has a greater chance of ruining your reputation plus cost more but has less.
However that is the way many want to go now a days, They do not have what it takes to make money online the honest way so they have to turn to the scam side.
Lies and deception seem to be a popular trait amongst the masses that do not have the integrity to do thing on the up and up. Shady is their way and to scam you is their desire.
The lies and deception can be traced back to the embarrassment these people feel towards their lives. They lack the backbone to stand tall and better their condition. Instead they look to take you with them.
Are You Being Scammed?
Posted by: | CommentsDo you even know how to tell if you are?
It is quite easy to tell if a program is a scam or not. First you will need to look at the product or service they are offering, or if they even offer a product or service. If you can not figure out what the product or service is, you are being scammed. If they are offering the service of advertising and there is a matrix or cycler in the backend, you are being scammed.
The program or service makes you pass any referrals up to your sponsor or their sponsor, Guess what your being scammed.
There sales copy states you can make a very large amount of money in a day, like Crazy Cash Club does. They claim you can make $16,000 in your first day. Pure scam in the worst way. Think about it if you were making $16,000 a day would you be promoting anything online? I know i wouldn’t be spending my time online.
Let say you found a way to make that kind of money online and it was an honest way to do so, Would you be in traffic exchanges and mailers trying to get everyone to do the same?
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This Month in NASA History:
Document of the Week:
While the NACA, which had been founded in 1915, was in charge of U.S. fundamental research in aeronautical science and technology in the early 20th Century, standards and safety oversight for the new aircraft industry and pilots simply didn’t exist in the early years.
So, on March 16, 1921, the head of the NACA Executive Committee, Joseph Ames wrote to S.W. Stratton of the Bureau of Standards on the topic (the letter is below). Ames noted that the NACA had looked into the issue and advised the creation of such a regulatory body. NACA suggested that the new organization be called the Bureau of Aeronautics and that the proper place for it in the Executive Branch of the U.S. government was the Commerce Department.
Although it took some years for this suggestion to be made the law of the land, this proposal was one of the first steps in the creation of the Civil Aeronautics Board, the forerunner of the modern Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
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Today the 27th of March 2015:
The work we has started and your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: stopscams
That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.