Archive for text ads


Text Ads Who Cares about them?

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It is Apparent You don’t if you are asking that question.

Text ads get clicked and with out them you lose potential signup, optins, and sales. It takes all of 5 seconds to add a text ad to the Traffic Exchanges you belong to. Text Ads are all over the internet and get clicks all day every day, having them in all the mailers and Traffic Exchanges do you nothing but good.

Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Put at least one Text Ad in Orbital Traffic that matches the site you are promoting.
The longer you wait to add text ads the greater your chances are to lose the impressions you have.

Social Viral Profits Promo Results:

March 24th 2015 4th Tuesday Surf Promo with Social Viral Profits!

Showing the Prizes don’t mater, because there were NO winners.
Maybe next time if you show your support for the 2 sites.

Today’s Promo:

Orbital Traffic, Teacup Puppy Traffic
Must Surf 125 pages at both sites and claim the small prize on the surfer rewards page to qualify and Double your chances to win!
1st – 1 Month Upgrade
2nd – 500 Square Banner impressions
3rd – 150 credits
4th – 100 credits
5th – 50 credits
****Prizes are determined by each Traffic Exchange in accordance with script allowances.
Not a member you can join at the link below

Additional Details here

Upcoming Promos:

We have 1 more this week see Calendar

This Month in NASA History:

On March 7, 1947, a V-2 rocket equipped with a specialty camera surveyed Earth from an altitude of 101 miles. Launched from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the rocket’s camera captured this picture of the Gulf of California, the dark area in the upper left. This test and others in the late 1940s were part of an early joint research effort by the Army and Navy to use acquired German V-2 rockets to conduct atmospheric studies. At the time, Clyde Holliday, the engineer who developed the camera, predicted that these rockets would soon be used for a wider range of applications, including mapping, wartime scouting, and meteorology.

Learn more here about these early rocket test:


Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can’t if you do not take action, So take action and get yourself in the spotlight by getting a login spotlight at Orbital Traffic. Today only if you buy one Login Spotlight i will add a second one to your account. Don’t let it go to waste.

Viral Traffic Games: <- Sign up Link
There is money to be won here and you can play to win it right here at Orbital Traffic

Today the 26th of March 2015:
Your promo code is to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: activemember

Login to Orbital Traffic

Not a member Yet Sign up here

That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.

Todd Perry

Categories : Orbital Traffic
Comments (1)

Is it all talk when people say you should have at least one banner and one text ad for every site you have advertising in a traffic exchange? Does it even matter about the banners and text ads? To be honest and in a word Yes it does matter and you do need them.

Why do you need them? Well it is a proven fact that it increases your chances of getting that optin, signup, and/or sale. So why do so many including myself not put them in every Traffic Exchange and Mailer we belong to? Could it be that we just do not believe it? If that is the case then why not try it and see what happens. When you try it do not just assign 50 or 100 impressions to them, assign at least 3000 to 5000 impressions. The reason for this is on average it will take at least  3000 hits to get one optin, signup and/or sale.

So take the time and add those banners and text in Orbital Traffic and the rest of the TE’s you belong to just as you do when adding your sites. It can never hurt you and can always help you.


Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Put at least one text ad and one banner in Orbital Traffic that matches the site you are promoting.


This Month in NASA History:
Pioneer 10: Mission to Jupiter and Beyond

On March 2, 1972, engineers from Glenn (formerly Lewis) launched Pioneer 10 from the Cape Kennedy, carrying Earth’s first space probe to an outer planet. This launch was just one of the many historic missions started by Glenn’s former launch vehicles team. Glenn successfully managed the launch of Pioneer 10: the first spacecraft to travel through the Asteroid belt, the first spacecraft to make direct observations and obtain close-up images of Jupiter, and the first man-made object to leave the solar system and travel on a flight path into interstellar space. Until February 1998, Pioneer 10 was the most remote object ever made by man. Traveling faster, Voyager 1 has since achieved a greater distance from the Sun.


Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
You can do this by taking the advantage of our login spotlight ads. What this will do for you is put your site in front of all the members of Orbital Traffic every time they login to their account. Don’t let it go to waste.


Viral Traffic Games:
Why do i tell you about this so much? Well it is a fun game and cash can be won. It also stops the surfing from getting boring. So do take a minute and check it out. Remember when you play you must be logged in to VTG in the same window you are surfing in.


Today the 1st of March 2015:
We are going to take it easy today and give you a promo code where you only have to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is easysunday  We are also going to give a code that will give you twice the credits for 30 minutes once you hit the 125 page. That code is sunday3115


That is it for today, get those banners and text ads in. One more thing, For everyone that adds a banner and a text ad i will double the impressions you assign.


Categories : Orbital Traffic
Comments (1)