Archive for Total Take Over
Imagine if your mentor was not trustworthy
What would you do if you found out your mentor was scamming you and everyone they come in contact with online? Would you still consider them your mentor? Would you still join the scam programs they send your way? Do you even know how to tell if your mentor is trustworthy?
There is a very simple way to tell what your mentor is doing to make their money. If they are getting you to signup to programs like Total Take Over, Global Ad Share,, Five Dollar Funnel, Crazy Cash Club. These types of programs are all variations of Ponzi and Pyramid schemes. Program like these are designed to make 85% of the money brought in to flow up to the owner while you’re sitting their promoting to make them money.
This section below is directly from the website:
Pyramid Scheme |
Ponzi Scheme |
Typical “hook” |
Earn high profits by making one payment and finding others to become distributors of a product. The scheme typically does not involve a genuine product. The purported product may not exist, or it may be “sold” only to other people who also become distributors. |
Earn high investment returns with little or no risk by simply handing over your money; often the investment does not exist or only a small percentage of incoming funds are actually invested. |
Payments |
Must pay a one-time or recurring participation fee and recruit new distributors to receive payments. |
No recruiting necessary to receive payments. |
Interaction with original promoter |
Sometimes none. New participants may enter the pyramid scheme at different levels. |
Promoter generally interacts directly with all participants. |
How the scheme works |
Funds from new participants are used to pay recruiting commissions to earlier participants. |
Funds from new investors are used to pay purported returns to earlier investors. |
Collapse |
Fast. An exponential increase in the number of participants is required at each level. |
May be relatively slow if existing participants reinvest money. |
When considering joining a MLM program, beware of these hallmarks of a pyramid scheme:
- No genuine product or service. MLM programs involve selling a genuine product or service to people who are not in the program. Exercise caution if there is no underlying product or service being sold to others, or if what is being sold is speculative or appears inappropriately priced.
- Promises of high returns in a short time period. Be leery of pitches for exponential returns and “get rich quick” claims. High returns and fast cash in an MLM program may suggest that commissions are being paid out of money from new recruits rather than revenue generated by product sales.
- Easy money or passive income. Be wary if you are offered compensation in exchange for little work such as making payments, recruiting others, and placing advertisements.
- No demonstrated revenue from retail sales. Ask to see documents, such as financial statements audited by a certified public accountant (CPA), showing that the MLM company generates revenue from selling its products or services to people outside the program.
- Buy-in required. The goal of an MLM program is to sell products. Be careful if you are required to pay a buy-in to participate in the program, even if the buy-in is a nominal one-time or recurring fee (e.g., $10 or $10/month).
- Complex commission structure. Be concerned unless commissions are based on products or services that you or your recruits sell to people outside the program. If you do not understand how you will be compensated, be cautious.
- Emphasis on recruiting. If a program primarily focuses on recruiting others to join the program for a fee, it is likely a pyramid scheme. Be skeptical if you will receive more compensation for recruiting others than for product sales.
My Take On These Scams
This is where i add some much needed insight to these types of programs. There are other names for these programs, and they are cyclers and matrix programs. These are all designed to take your money to pay members that came in before you. The owners and promoters of these programs care not about you they only want your money. They will not lead you to any legal programs as they do not know how to make money legally.
Lets get into the matrix programs and how they work.
Matrix programs have been popping up weekly if not daily and the way the work is to take your money. It does not matter when you join, or who you join under. The majority of the money you blindly put into these program goes straight to the owner of the program. They try to make you feel like you are getting something from them that you cannot get anywhere else.
This is pretty easy to do, and they know it. How do they know you will feel like you can’t get what they offer elsewhere? Well, they know most people on the internet are lazy and will not do any research. They know that you will not bother to ask or seek out any other way to get what they offer. They also know that you really don’t want to know the truth because you are only interested in the money, they say you will make. Most if not all these matrix programs offer the same crap that you can find online for free.(if you look) The owners take old ebooks and repackage them with a new name and say these are New.
Next you have the ones that want to add a matrix to advertising like Global Ad Share, Global Fortune 11 which are owned by the same person. And just the same you fall for it due to having your blinders on and not wanting to know the truth or just don’t care that you as a promoter of these programs you are scamming the ones you bring in.
Then you have these programs that you cannot even figure out what they are selling. The reason is they are not selling anything, all they want is your money and nothing else.
Then you have programs like Crazy Cash Club that claim you will make 16,000 in your first day. Really
When you look into this program you will discover they are a front to suck more money out of you when the so-called group or club joins other money matrix programs or cyclers. It is a scam from the get-go, and you will be wise to stay away from it.
Ask yourself: Is the person i follow helping me or just using me to get my money?
Till Next Time
One up 2 by 2 on a Cycle
What the heck does that mean? To most if not all new people on the internet it means nothing, YET. However to the Very Many that have been online for at least 6 months Know exactly what it means, but still they don’t admit they are scamming others. All they see is the dollars and not customer. If your new to the internet or been online for a while and want to know the truth, i will fill you in.
One up: You work you butt off to bring members into a program just to give them up to the person that brought you into the program ( Your Upline) and they make the money. Now not all the members you bring in go to Your Upline just every other person you work your butt off to bring in goes to them. This is a variation of the Aussie Two Up which has been a very flawed system from the start. “The Aussie Two-Up. Or One-up, or Three-Up, or any variation of ups. There’s no way to fix this unredeemable, corrupt and historically failed system of compensation, so any variation of it should be avoided. So with virtually a 100% long term failure rate throughout MLM history, why has the 2-Up refused to die? In fact, it seems to be experiencing a mild resurgence of late. The reason is twofold:
1) It actually rolls up tons of cash to the company;
2) It appears to roll up tons of cash to the distributor – on paper.” (Quote of Len Clements)
Examples: TotalTakeOver AKA TTO, All In One Profits aka AIOP both use an up system.
2 by 2: This is how they refer to a money matrix. A money matrix is the same thing as a ponzi , cycler, or pyramid scheme. A Matrix Scheme is a business model involving the exchange of money for a certain product with a side bonus of being added to a waiting list for a product of greater value than the amount given.
“The operation of matrix schemes varies, though they often operate similar to pyramid or Ponzi schemes. Some of the former participants of these schemes consider them to be a form of confidence trick, although others are happy with their purchase. To move upward in the list, a person must wait for new members to join or refer a certain number of people to the list.
This is accomplished through purchasing a token product of marginal value: usually e-books, cell phone boosters, screen savers, or other software CDs/DVDs. When a pre-defined number of people have purchased the token product, the person currently at the top of the list receives their reward item, and the next person in the list moves to the top. The rewards for those at the top of the matrix list are usually high-demand consumer electronics, such as portable digital audio players, high-definition television sets, laptop computers, and cellular phones. Reaching the point on the list where one receives the expensive goods is termed “cycling”.”(found on wikipedia)
Now they are being used in advertising and selling what they call ad packs. Ad packs include banners,text ads, and in some cases traffic to your website. These programs are not always 2×2, they can be whatever the owner wants them to be to get the most money out of the ones that sign up. None of these programs pay out to their member for very long due to the lack of NEW MEMBERS (new money) constantly coming in. Members may get at most 35% of what their referrals pay in, and do not get that for very long. Once people wake up and see this type scheme stops paying once new members (new money) stops coming in and the program disappears owing 1000’s of dollars, or changes it’s name and starts all over.
Many people online from Traffic Exchange owners, Mailer owners, and even the affiliate marketer believe that these programs are legit and will continue to support them because they are new and/or naive. It does not take long for some to become as greedy as the owners that put the scams out.
Examples: GlobalAdShare aka GAS, GlobalFortune11, FiveDollarFunnel, TotalTakeOver AKA TTO, All In One Profits aka AIOP, DoubleDown2x2
CYCLE: These are better know as Cyclers. Cyclers are based on money in and nothing else. Once the new money stops coming in the program is defunct (dead). Then the owner starts a new one and takes more money from the new and naive. The willing to scam others follow right along and bring more new and naive members to take advantage of. These programs are NO different than money laundering ponzi schemes.
Examples: GlobalAdShare aka GAS, GlobalFortune11, DoubleDown2x2
Ponzi Scheme defined in simple terms: Rob (Steal) from Peter to pay Paul. Money you put in goes to pay members that came in before you. No new money in, no one gets paid. Adding a subscription to any of these types of programs does not make them any better than without a subscription. Either way they will fail in time and you will lose out on more than money. You are putting your reputation on the line when promoting these Ponzi schemes.
These Ponzi Schemes can in NO way be compared to Traffic Exchanges, Mailers, Grocery Stores or any offline business. Why because Traffic Exchanges, Mailers, Grocery Stores or any offline business rely on repeat customers, not the constant influx of only new customers like the ponzi schemes do.