Archive for Traffic


Have Traffic Exchanges Been Ruined

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Traffic Exchanges have been Ruined depending on who you ask.stressed-out-guy-small

I was in a conversation the other day and we were talking about traffic generation and TE’s came up. Well we discovered that traffic exchanges today are not being used like they should be. When traffic exchanges first came out you could advertise real Brick and Mortar stores, online stores, single products, and even MLM companies. How was this done? Easy you surfed, Upgraded, or bought credits to get your site shown. It depended on what you were advertising if you made money or not because the traffic exchanges were not going to pay you for being a member or for Surfing. They would pay you a commission if your referrals upgraded or bought credits and that was it.

That is when traffic exchanges work best, Now members do not care about the advertising they only care about the owner paying them to surf and wasting other members credits. Now i am not talking all members of all traffic exchanges, there are members that would like to use them as they were intended. However they are overran with the greed of other members and owners that only look at the money.

If you focus on money you will eventually fail, If you focus on customers then you will have money- Todd Perry

Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Put at least one text ad in Orbital Traffic that matches the site you are promoting.

Cross Promo Surf Results:

March 14th 2015 9 bucks promo results will be published tomorrow
Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab

Today’s Promo:

Orbital Traffic and Northern Traffic
Surf 125 pages at each site and claim the small reward on the surfer rewards page to qualify for the prizes below.
1st: 1 month upgrade
2nd: 1 day login spotlight
3rd: 150 credits,banners,text
4th: 75 credits,banners,text
5th: 25 credits,banners,text

Not a member sign up here

Upcoming Promos:

We have 1 more this week see Calendar

This Month in NASA History:landsat7

Begun in the mid-1960s, the Landsat program complemented Earth-orbit missions designed to study weather patterns by focusing instead on global terrain and the natural resources of our planet. Landsat 7, the seventh satellite of the program, launched on April 15, 1999 to continue the program’s long history of Earth observation. Capable of mapping a quarter of the planet every 16 days, Landsat 7 provides evidence of environmental changes occurring around the globe, including variations in the Antarctic ice sheet and glacial retreat. It also helps to manage forests and wildfires and can assess storm and flood damage. At the time of its launch, it was the most accurately calibrated Earth-observing satellite.

Learn more about the Landsat program here:


Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
Use the Square Banners to increase the exposure to your site. Don’t let it go to waste.

Viral Traffic Games:
You are missing out on a ton of extra advertising and money by not joining VTG and playing while you surf. So fix that today.

Today the 16th of April 2015:
Your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is will be at page 81 when you are surfing so keep an eye out.

Login to Orbital Traffic

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That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.

Todd Perry

Categories : Orbital Traffic
Comments (1)

Is Your Mind Made Up

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Are You giving up 4 Wins Today?

Today is the Super Saturday Surf and there are 4 great prizes at 4 great sites. There are our 3 main sites and our guest site. 10Khits4unow is joining in today’s Surf. 10khits4unow has been going for at least 10 years and is still one of the top Traffic Exchanges online. Are you going to be surfing with us today?

Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Do you thinks it’s time to put banners and text ads in?

Promo Results:

New Results Coming 

Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab

Today’s Promo:

Super Saturday Surf!

Must Surf 150 pages at all sites and claim the Special Promo on the surfer rewards page to qualify!
At 10khits4unow We will use the leader Board. You will not be able to win unless you surf all 4 sites

Top Prize: ONE winner Must be Upgraded

1st. Two-day start page and 500b/1000t(10khits4unow Only)

1st. 1 day Login spotlight for upgraded member plus a credit package of 100 square banners
(Orbital Traffic, 21st Century Surf and Clickaholics)

2nd. 100 credits 500 banners 1200 txt

3rd. 75 credits 375 banners 900 txt

4th. 50 credits 285 banners 750 txt

5th. 25 credits 200 banners 550 txt

Details and sign up here

Upcoming Promos:

We have 4 more next week see Calendar

This Month in NASA History:

This was the second test flight of the Saturn 1 (SA-2) booster. The Saturn 1st stage carried dummy water-filled 2nd and 3rd stages to 105 km altitude where they were detonated, causing the 86,000 kg water ballast to create an artificial cloud. This test was also known as Project High Water I. Maximum velocity was about 6000 kph. The test objectives of launch vehicle verification were successfully completed.


Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
start pages can increase your signups which can increase your income. How about getting one today.

Viral Traffic Games:
What place are you in? Will you beat me in this weeks competition at VTG? Surf today’s Super Saturday Surf and lets find out.

Today the 4th of March 2015:
The work we has ended and your promo code it to surf 150 page to get 50 credits, 75 banners impression, 125 text ad impressions, and 75 square banner impression. The code is: IchangedMyMind

You can also double your credit for 30 minutes starting at page 151 by using this code: IsurfedthePromo

Login to Orbital Traffic

Not a member Yet Sign up here

That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.


Categories : Orbital Traffic
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I See Traffic in Your Future

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4 times the Traffic if You Participate.client-satisfaction

The Super Saturday Surf is coming to a Traffic Exchange near you, Will you be there? Are you going to win the top prizes and show your downline what their missing out on? There are some very nice prizes to help You get more Traffic to your offers. Yes i hear you, i have other promos to surf. What do those other promos do for you that the Super Saturday Surf does not do? ( Leave Comment )

I know you are scared of a Pro Traffic Exchange. They make you upgrade to be able to surf. Well No they don’t make you do anything. They just tell you upfront that to advertise your sites so you get more Traffic you have to be upgraded. A Pro Traffic Exchange does not start you at the bottom, However they start you at the top. They do not constantly put up One Time Offers trying to get you to upgrade with some special price. However they do put up sales on their credit packages and other items to help you increase your advertising.

Orbital Traffic is one of the 3 main sites in the Super Saturday Surf. Yes it is a Pro Traffic Exchange and you can be a part of it for a little as a Starbucks Coffee. This is for a month at our Orbiter level, Do Not let 2.99 a month scare you in such a way that you pass up on the traffic your sites need and the kind you want.

Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Comment on this post.

Promo Results:

Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab


Upcoming Promos:

We have 1 more this week see Calendar

This Month in NASA History:sts-1PreLaunch

On 12 April 1981, the Space Shuttle orbiter Columbia lifted off from its pad at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) on the STS-1 mission. The orbiter is only one part of the Space Transportation System (STS), more commonly known simply as the Space Shuttle. Heralded as the beginning of a new era of human spaceflight, this first flight was also the culmination of many years of development, planning, and early sparks of imagination.

Even before human space travel became a reality on this same date in 1961 with the launch of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, space visionaries had conceptualized reusable winged vehicles that literally flew into space. Expanding upon the earlier work of people such as Max Valier and Eugen Sänger, in the 1950s and 1960s the Air Force developed the DynaSoar (for Dynamic Soaring) and several other programs involving a reusable piloted glider perched atop a large expendable launch vehicle. Also at this time, NASA researchers had done pioneering work in blunt body and lifting body aerodynamics that made the Shuttle possible.

During the late 1960s, at the height of the Apollo program, NASA was simultaneously thinking about its next major human spaceflight efforts. In January 1972, President Nixon announced that NASA would begin a program to build a Space Transportation System (STS), more commonly known as the Space Shuttle. Thus, while the Shuttle development program formally took nine years, it represented the culmination of something much larger. Indeed, the successful launch of the first Shuttle mission demonstrated several cutting-edge technologies.

Through its reusability, the Shuttle was also intended to provide low-cost, frequent access to space. Unfortunately, the Shuttle has never been able to fly often enough to bring launch costs significantly down. NASA continues to look at ways to improve the Shuttle and to explore new methods of repeatedly launching humans into space safely.

Stephen J. Garber
NASA History Office


Help Your Advertising a little bit more:
Participating in the Super Saturday Surf you will expand your advertising reach and your bottom line. Don’t let it go to waste.  For today make sure you have a Banner and text ad that matches the sites your are promoting. This will increase your chances of building Your Downline.

Viral Traffic Games:
Viral Traffic Games is a featured game on Orbital Traffic and upgraded members get to play 2 times more than non Upgraded. Get your surfing going and win the cash and prizes offered at VTG

Today the 3rd of March 2015:
The time is approaching for the Super Saturday Surf.  your promo code it to surf 125 page to get 50 credits, 50 banners impression, 50 text ad impressions, and 25 square banner impression. The code is: stepUpYourSurfForYou

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That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.

Todd Perry

Categories : Orbital Traffic
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