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Email Marketing Still Works

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Email Marketing The Beginning

Email Marketing has worked since the first ever mass email was sent back in 1978 by the Marketing Manager Gary Thuerk “AKA Father Of Spam”. That first email only went to 400 people and yielded Digital Equipment Corp a cool $13 million dollars in sales for a computer called DEC. That first email also got a few complaints, however that was hugely over shadowed by the amount of sales.

The start of email was In 1971 when an US Programmer Raymond S Tomlinson implemented an email system on the ARPANET. This email system was the first system that was able to send email between users on different host on the ARPAnet. (Before this, email could only be sent to other that used the same computer) This was achieved when Tomlinson used the @ sign to separate the user from their machine. This has been used ever since.

Email Marketing With Safelist

Taking a guess here, the first safelist for email marketing was launched around 1998 when the Data Protection Act was updated to ensure all email marketing included a way for recipients to opt-out from receiving any more email. A safelist is a membership site that allows all members to email each other about opportunities.  Again taking a guess that around 1999 safelist submitters arrived and they allowed you to manage all your safelist from one place. Along with these safelist submitters can email inbox cleaners that would delete all the email after so many days. This was the start of the end of safelist. Today in 2015 there are very few well know safelist. There is one well know safelist submitter still around but i doubt you will get much response from the safelist it sends to. Reason is the members of these safelist have no reason to click on your email. That is why Credit Based Safelist were born.

Then Came Credit Based Safelist and Mailers

In 2001 the first credit based safelist was launched and named Adsolutionline. That Credit based safelist started the new email marketing revolution. Unlike Standard Safelist, With Credit based Safelist you have a credit link to click on to view the page being advertised. What this credit link does is reward you for looking at that page. Standard safelist do not do this, so the chance of someone clicking your link to see what you want them to see is very low. This reward for clicking the credit link allows you to mail other members of the credit based safelist.

There is over 1000 credit based safelist aka Viral Mailers, and List builders and more opening every day. So by joining all of them you will be receiving a ton of emails. I have a video to show you how to clean your gmail account.


Now we come to managing your mailers/Credit based safelist. There are 2 programs that work very well for being able to send your mailings faster to save you time.

Easy Business Builder is a program that allows you to keep track of all your mailers and credits. Why mailers? because they work and have worked for a long time. Email Marketing is still one of the best ways to connect with many people looking to make money online. Easy Business Builder is at the top of the email marketing arena. There is no program today that will keep better track of your mailings.
Here is a short Video to show you how EBB Mailer Management works.


When you join Easy Business Builder-EBB you will find that it cost about $10 a month to manage and send to all your mailers.

There is another program that will allow you to manage and track your mailings that i and many other use
Viral Mail Profits to take care of the mailers you don’t want in EBB. Of course you can add the ones that are in EBB to Viral Mail Profits if you want. Viral Mail Profits will allow you to send email to all the other mailers/ safelist you belong to. You can get Viral Mail Profits for around $15.00 a month or take advantage of their OTO like i did.

Here is a video from a few years ago that will give you some insight on Viral Mail Profits.


I urge you to become a paid member of Both Easy Business Builder-EBB and Viral Mail Profits together your email marketing will be at it’s best all the time. By doing so you will be able to get your emails out on a regular basis and get more signups. Facts are you must mail to the Mailers/Safelist every day to get signups and sales. The more your ads get seen the better your chances are.

Email Marketing with Easy Business Builder Email Marketing with VMP- Ulti Send

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