
Will You Advertise Today


The Super Saturday Surf is a great place to advertise

You get the ability to advertise to not one but four sets of prospects at one time. This means more conversions for you. It is also a great time to test out your new pages and opportunities.  If you are a member of these 4 traffic exchanges there is no reason for you not to take advantage of the extra eyes on your sites. Surf today and put Us to the test. Advertise in the super Saturday surf will increase your reach and get you more results.

Your Orbital Traffic Mission:
Put at least one text ad in Orbital Traffic that matches the site you are promoting.

Cross Promo Surf Results:

Login to see the results on the Promo Winners tab

Today’s Promo:

Orbital Traffic, 21st Century surf, Clickaholics, and Great White Hits
Surf 150 pages at each site and claim the small reward on the surfer rewards page to qualify for the prizes below.

1st. 1 day login spotlight for upgraded member plus a credit package of 100 square banners
2nd. 100 credits 500 banners 1200 txt
3rd. 75 credits 375 banners 900 txt
4th. 50 credits 285 banners 750 txt
5th. 25 credits 200 banners 550 txt

Not a member sign up here


Upcoming Promos:

We have 4 more next week see Calendar

This Month in NASA History:Ed-Lu

May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, and today the 15th of May we highlight Ed Lu, who launched 18 years ago on STS-84. As a mission specialist, Lu participated in the sixth Shuttle-Mir docking, transferring supplies and hardware to the Russian space station. He went on to complete two more spaceflights, flying on both STS-106 in 2000 and serving as NASA Science Officer on the International Space Station during a six-month tour in 2003. During his three missions, Lu spent a total of 206 days in space, including an spacewalk that was more than 6 hours long.

For more on STS-84:…/…/shuttlemissions/archives/sts-84.html


Help Your Advertising a bit more:
Login or signup to Orbital traffic and take a look at the How To Videos. These videos will show you how not to make the common mistakes that members make that cost them sales. Don’t let it go to waste.

Viral Traffic Games:
VTG is a fun game to play while surfing, if you take the paid level you will be able to win cash that you can use to better your advertising.

Today the 16th of May 2015:
Your promo code is to surf 150 pages to get 50 credits, 75 banners impression, 125 text ad impressions, and 75 square banner impression. The code can be found between page 75 and 85 while surfing

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That’s all for today, Happy Surfing and Marketing.


Todd Perry

Categories : Orbital Traffic

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